Carlos Balmaceda

Economía de la Salud - Modelamiento Matemático en Salud – Evaluación en Tecnologías Sanitarias (ETESA)


Coordinador de Proyectos



Quimico Farmacéutico de la Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Magister en Epidemiología de la Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile y Economista de la Salud.

Investigador y Coordinador de Proyecto de la unidad de Evaluaciones de Tecnologías Sanitarias (ETESA UC) de la facultad de medicina de la Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. Además es asesor metodológico del Centro del Cáncer y es miembro del Breast Cancer Research Group.

Docente del diplomado en Evaluación Económica en Salud y jefe del Curso de Modelamiento Matemático en salud, de la Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile.

Consultor del Banco Interamericano del Desarrollo (BID) para el proyecto DIME (Decisiones Informadas para Medicamentos) para la región.

Formación Pregrado:

Licenciatura en Quimica y Farmacia, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile.

Formación Postgrado:

MSc en Epidemiología, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile.

Actividades Docentes Asistenciales:

  • Jefe Curso Modelamiento Matemático en Salud, Diplomado en evaluación económica en Salud
  • Curso de Evaluación Económica en Salud, Diplomado en evaluación económica en Salud
  • Análisis de Sobrevida, Magister en Epidemiología, Universidad de los Andes
  • Salud Pública, Pregrado Quimica y Farmacia, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile

Investigación y Proyectos:

Vargas C, Balmaceda C, Rodríguez F, Rojas R, Giglio A, Espinoza M.A. Economic evaluation of sunitinib versus pazopanib and best supportive care for the treatment of metastatic renal cell carcinoma in Chile: cost-effectiveness analysis and a mixed treatment comparison; Expert Review of Pharmacoeconomics & Outcomes Reasearch, 2019

Pinto MP, Muñoz Medel M, Carrillo D, Retamal IN, Bravo ML, Valenzuela Y, Nervi B, Sánchez C, Galindo H, Ibañez C, Peña J, Balmaceda C, Madrid J, Briones J, Torres J, Nilo F, Guarda FJ, Quintana JC, Orellana P, Mondaca S, Acevedo F, Vicentini D, Cordova-Delgado M, Owen GI, Garrido M.; Chilean registry for neuroendocrine tumors: a latin American perspective; Horm Cancer; 2019, 10(1): 3-10

Pinto, MP; Balmaceda, C.; Bravo, ML; Kato, S.; Villarroel, A.; Roa, JC; Cuello, MA; Ibañez, C., Patient inflammatory status and CD4+/CD8+ intraepithelial tumor lymphocyte infiltration are predictors of outcomes in high-grade serous ovarian cáncer; Gynecol Oncol, 2018, 151(1): 10-17


Owen GI, Pinto MP, Retamal IN, Fernádez MF, Cisternas B, Mondaca S, Sanchez C, Galindo H, Nervi B, Ibañez C, Acevedo F, Madrid J, Peña J, Bravo ML, Maturana MJ, Cordova-Delgado M, Romero D, de la Jara N, Torres J, Rodriguez-Fernandez M, Espinoza M, Balmaceda C, Freire M, Gárate-Calderón V, Crovari F, Jimenez-Fonseca P, Carmona-Bayonas A, Zwenger A, Armisen R, Corvalan AH, Garrido M.; Chilean Gastric Cancer Task Force: A study protocol to obtain a clinical and molecular classification of a cohort of gastric cáncer patients, ;Medicine (Baltimore), 2018; 97(16):e0419

Balmaceda, C.; Espinoza, M.; Diaz, J., Impact of a bioequivalence policy in the prices of medicines in Chile, Value in Health Regional Issue Latin-American, 2015:8;43-48.

Balmaceda, C.; Espinoza, M.; New drugs in Chile: A Review from 2007 and 2014, Revista de Salud Pública de Chile, Junio 2015



Cost effectiveness and budget impact of Ribociclib to treat metastatic breast cancer RH positive and HER-2 negative in the public health system of Chile. (Funding: Novartis)

Cost of hypoglycemia in patients with diabetes mellitus 2 in the public health system of Chile. (Funding: Novonordisk)

Cost of consecuences of diabetes mellitus: Projections from 2016 to 2035 in the public health system of Chile. (Funding: Novonordisk)

Cost effectiveness of the actual treatment in patients with diabetes mellitus 2 from a Chilean public health perspective. (Funding: Novonordisk)

Cost effectiveness and budget impact of HPV test with genotyping 16/18 to screen the high-risk HPV in the public health system of Chile. (Funding: Roche diagnostic)

Cost effectiveness and budget impact of Nivolumab to treat metastatic renal cell carcinoma in the public health system of Chile. (Funding: BMS)

Cost effectiveness and budget impact of Cladribine to treat multiple sclerosis in a high-grade subgroup in the public health system of Chile. (Funding: Merck)

Cost effectiveness and budget impact of Lipegfilgrastim to treat febrile neutropenia in the public health system of Chile. (Funding: TEVA)

Study of burden disease and a estimation of the direct and indirect cost of consequences attributable to alcohol in Chile (Funding: SENDA)

Cost effectiveness and budget impact of Pembrolizumab to treat metastatic non-small cell lung cancer in the public health system of Chile. (Funding: MSD)

Study of cost minimization and Budget impact of Secukinumab to treat the ankylosing spondylitis into the public health system of Chile (Funding: Novartis)

Economic Evaluation of rheumatoid arthritis with biological therapy in Chile (Funding: FONIS SA16I0087)

Cost effectiveness of endoscopic ureterolithotomy compared with expulsive therapy to treat calculus with size below 10 mm in patients with ureteral lithiasis from a Chilean public health system perspective (Funding: FONIS SA16I0203)

Cost effectiveness of new strategies for breast cancer screening in Chile (Funding: FONIS SA16I0256)

Cost effectiveness and budget impact of recombinant factor Fc in Hemophilia A to the Chilean public health system (Funding: Biogen)

Cost effectiveness and budget impact of recombinant factor Fc in Hemophilia B to the Chilean public health system (Funding: Biogen)

Master Thesis: Relationship between sociodemographic factors, clinical conditions and health-related quality of life self-perceived and self-valued in Chile

Study of burden of disease and cost and consequences of musculoskeletal chronic pain from Chilean public health system perspective. (Funding: Sociedad Chilena del Dolor)

Cost effectiveness and budget impact of nivolumab to treat metastatic melanoma from Chilean public health system. (Funding: BMS)

Cost effectiveness and budget impact of Ruxolitinib to treat patients with myelofibrosis from Chilean public health system perspective (Funding: Novartis)

Cost effectiveness and budget impact of LCZ696 to the treatment of heart failure in the Chilean public health system (Funding: Novartis)

Cost effectiveness, heterogeneity value and budget impact of dapaglifozin to treat patients with diabetes mellitus 2 from a Chilean public health system perspective. (Funding: Astra Zeneca)

Budget impact of a new treatment for Hepatitis C (Funding: Abbvie)

Undergraduate Thesis: Synthesis of n-acyl-bisphosphonate derivates with saturated and unsaturated long chain fatty acid as a potential prodrug of alendronate and pamidronate.